Financial Freedom

Why financial freedom is necessary in human life? 

 We are free because our Indian Constitution provides us some fundamental rights. By enjoying such rights we feel free, but all rights have no use if you are financially handicapped. We will have to live a life of slave because we will always feel pressure. If you want to progress in your life, first of all you will have to be financial free. There is no option. Lord Shri Krishna says in Geeta ," Arjuna, how will you fulfil the demand of your body without Karma." So you will have to do something or others so that you may be capable to eàrn your living. It means what? Simply you must be financially free. 

What is financial freedom? 
In modern society one depends on to another. You need food, clothes , medicine, education,  entertainment etc. You can't arrange each and every substance which is necessary for life. You have to depend on others. But it is fact that all things will be available if you have sufficient money. It means self dependency comes through money. Money should not be ignored. Lack of money is the route cause of all evils. So you must try your best to earn money. Our capacity of making money legitimately determines our family and social status. If you have sufficient bank balance, you will feel free. Therefore, work smartly to achieve financial goal.
    Financial freedom is state of living in which we spend our life without any monetary  pressure. If our lives are financial free, we will feel free in any sphere of life. Take for example if we want to travel, we can go. None can pressurise us to alter our path. Then and only then we can reach our highest pick of progress whether in the area of education, healthy lifestyle, mental awareness or spiritual uplift. So financial freedom is essential to acquire any other freedom. 
How can I acquire financial freedom? 
Here we will consider how financial freedom is possible for the lower and middle classes of the society. It is well said that it is the prescribed work which can change our lives. Power of prescribed work which has capacity to change everything, can change our life certainly. Lower classes of the society have nothing, but their labour. The vast majority of the people belong to this class. They struggle to their needs. How can one think of better education for their children if he is not able to fulfil his fundamental necessities? We have nothing to lose, but if we determine to make ourselves free from any financial crisis we have to work heart and soul without wasting even a single moment. We have time and this time is our asset. We should spend it smartly. We should try our best to spend time for our priority so that it may be converted into money. If we use time only in productive work, our economical condition will be improving gradually.
    Power of regular work 
Prescribed work means the work which provides us money. None will pay you without completion the work. Do regularly whatever you do. We should not wast our single moment, if we want to financially  free. We should do our prescribed work without any fail.
     "A sound mind in a sound body." We should take care of our physical, mental and spiritual health. We must care of our cash flow. There are so many works. We should choose one of them for us and perform it properly. After some time we will feel that we are going to achieve our goal. 


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