Effect of Sex

Sex is not merely making intercourse between two persons but it’s a part and parcel of human life. We all are the product of sexual union. So we must know its each and every effect which affects our lives. The world is a garland of lives. None can know when starts and stops life. We all are beads of lives of this garland. Our body is made up of fifty per cent of mother’s and the same per cent of father’s genes. We bring with us the character of our parents by birth. Everybody knows it very well. None can deny this fact. The whole world is the expression and explanation of sex. All blood relationship is nothing but of sex. So sex is a very important word which explained our lives. There are so many effects of sex to our lives. Some of these are given as follow----

Genetic effect—We all are called a human being because our parents are a human being. During the time of intercourse, nature decides our sex. Nature has been authorised to choose whether we will be male or female and what will be our characteristic feature because only half of the father’s and the half of the mother’s genes reunion and make a new cell. It is the cell that develops and makes a baby. In this way, we are not responsible for our genetic feature. Our destination had been decided by nature already before. We have no choice during this life process. We have to come out from our mother’s womb with the characters of our ancestors. If our parents are poor, we are called poor and if our parents are rich, we are called rich. This is the curse of our society because babies are the property of the nation. There is also the worst condition in the case of a baby girl. Therefore, each and every baby is declared as the nation’s property and they should be looked after by the government for the sake of the nation. 

Social effect -- Equal rights are given to the boys and girls by the constitution, but in our society girls are understood as outsiders. Most of the people think that girls shall have to go to their in-laws' home. The girl goes on feeling as stranger in their parents’ home caused they fall into inferiority complex. If our government looks after all of the children and provides them with equal facilities, they will grow simultaneously. It is the sex which differentiates between boys and girls. Children are the asset of the nation and so the government should think of about this burning problem. No matter the right to equality is provided by the constitution, but we have to feel inequality in each and every sphere of life. In our ancient India, there was an education system which is called Aasram system in which all students were understood the same whether they were the son of a king or a poor.

Economical effect— The birth of a girl in a family is understood as a extra burden, while the birth of a boy is a cause of joy. This type of thinking cannot be a good sign for society. The legislation made so many laws in favour of the girls, these are not sufficient. The government should take direct action in favour of the girls and provide actual guardianship. And then our half population of the country will feel the right to equality. The government should apply one education system in the whole of the country. Some children are taught in English medium and others are taught in Hindi and other local languages. Some parents admitted their boys to the English medium school and girls to the Hindi medium. This mentality of parents is not good. How can we make India the Guru of the world?

Spiritual effect – Intercourse between two individuals seminally is justified by our religion and society. In Bhagwat Gita, Lord Shri Krishna says, “ I am Kamdev, the god of love.” The feeling of love is the true man kindness. The attraction between two opposite sex is natural, this is loving. Love is a divine experience which can’t be expressed. If you want to go into the direction of spirituality, we will have to understand the power of sex. Brahmacharya is essential, not free sex. We have to control over our bad feeling, otherwise we fall down. Once Mahatma Gandhi said, “Money is a loss, nothing is a loss, Health is a loss, something is a loss, But character is a loss, Everything is a loss.”                                                           We should maintain our character which makes us respect in society. We should respect every sex in society. All are a member of the society and they remain equal rights and duties. That’s why intercourse between two individuals is correct but under some strict rules of the society and the government. 

Conclusion – Sex is a very sensitive word. None dares to talk freely in our society. In our society, it is understood that sex is a secrete activity which causes so many problems in our society. We must teach our children about sex. The children must be taught that sex is not only a matter of joy, but also a matter of responsibility. They taught anatomy and physiology of sex. They are, too, taught about its spiritual effect. They are taught the world is the product of sex. They should never understand that the world is the by-product of sex. Therefore, we should maintain our healthy sexual life. Sex-life must be enjoyed, but we should enjoy it under strict personal, social, spiritual and legal control.   


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