Power of solitude

According to Aristotle, “Man is a social animal.”Therefore living solitude is against our nature. But this time of lockdown we have to live in loneliness. Shrimadbhagwat Gita. “One who likes to live lonely is my great devotee. I like him the most.”There are so many poets, writers, scientist, philosopher and great saints who like to live lonely because loneliness gives them the power to think something new which are most useful to our society. A great thought burst out when we peep into our heart deeply. Our brain is powerhouse which contains the power to solve every problem. It is said, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” But the invention is the product of solitude. In this sense, we must have to eager to spend our time being lonely.

            In our present society, so many motivators suggest us to do yoga and meditate. Meditation has enormous power to change our mind and body. All the best seller books, great works of arts and poetry, and great invention which has an impact on the society are the product of the solitude. All are introverts, but when they become successful, they become very famous. In spite of the benefits of the loneliness, society can’t be stable without outdoor activity. So we have to join the society to perform our all social activity. The Corona virus stopped our all the social activities. It compelled our government to lockdown. Under compulsion our government had to take action to shutdown all the shops except essential goods. All the buses, trains and aeroplanes are kept standing to wait for opening lockdown. Corona virus compels our society to live lonely and walk maintaining social distance.

            The whole of the world are trying their best to invent vaccine of covid-19. History is full of epidemics which took so many lives, but we are safe from them now due to hard work of our scientists. Our life style is the product of our scientists and philosophers. Therefore, we should not frustrate at the time of lockdown. The river and the sky became clean. The people are maintaining social distance, washing their hands and sanitizing their societies. They will become more conscious about their health.

        The peace is the soul of every society and religion. All the people want peace. We can find a great peace in solitude. We can purify our innermost desire. So we should not fear of solitude. Solitude is the boon of our societies. This is the solitude which can save our lives, because there is no medicine of covid-19. May God bless us to come out from this epidemic!  






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