
Showing posts from December, 2020

Effect of Sex

Sex is not merely making intercourse between two persons but it’s a part and parcel of human life. We all are the product of sexual union. So we must know its each and every effect which affects our lives. The world is a garland of lives. None can know when starts and stops life. We all are beads of lives of this garland. Our body is made up of fifty per cent of mother’s and the same per cent of father’s genes. We bring with us the character of our parents by birth. Everybody knows it very well. None can deny this fact. The whole world is the expression and explanation of sex. All blood relationship is nothing but of sex. So sex is a very important word which explained our lives. There are so many effects of sex to our lives. Some of these are given as follow---- Genetic effect—We all are called a human being because our parents are a human being. During the time of intercourse, nature decides our sex. Nature has been authorised to choose whether we will be male or female and what wi

Be alone

Be alone, I mean to say to be totally for yourself. How can you feel in this situation?  If you feel boring, you can’t be able to be creative. So feel the excitement, so that you can be able to be creative. Your creativity will come out when you think of about yourself. Your suppressed desired will come into action and this is the time of your creativity. Take your pen and write down on paper. Write whatever you want to write no matter it is abusive, aggressive or exclusive. Think of about your future plan. How can you accomplish your work so that you may be called as a successful person? Write about your past experiences. Write down about some terrible accident which had occurred in your past and how can you manage yourself to exit from it. How could obstacles become your cause of success? Think and keep on thinking. After that write and keep on writing. After sometimes you will feel creativeness in you.     Creativity always comes out from any individual within the lonely period. Lon